
All States / Union Territories Government Driver's associations shall become the member of the All India Government Driver's Federation by paying anamount of Rs.1000/-(Rupees one thousand only)as entrance admission fee payble at the time of joining alongwith membership contribution @ of Rs 3001 per year. The members shall also contribute to our special events as per decision of the executive commeetee for promotional activities and taking up the demands of Driver's to the Government. Every members has to pay membership contribution every year before 31st march of every financial year to avoid disqualification. The payments are eccepted online also through our portal.

Any sympathiser may donate for permotional activities for the welfare of Government Drivers. Annual contribution can be revised with the prior approval of central commeettee and genral bodies.

Federation shall raise funds for special occasion like Conferences to meet the expenditure by collecting special contribution/donation from members and sympathiser . The collection must be in the banner of All India Government Drivers Federation. Account of the total collection must be submitted to the Executive Committee meeting.

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